Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Ecchi Anime, Fantasy Anime, Harem Anime, Romance Anime, School Anime, Supernatural Anime
Lux a former prince of an empire named Arcadia that was overthrown via a rebellion five years earlier. Lux accidentally trespasses in a female dormitorys bathing area sees the kingdoms new princess Lisesharte naked and incurs her wrath. Lisesharte then challenges Lux to a Drag-Ride duel. Drag-Rides are ancient armored mechanical weapons that have been excavated from ruins all around the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama Anime, Dub Anime, Romance Anime, School Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
Shuuji and Chise are third year students at a high school in Hokkaido. The shy Chise is finally confessing to Shuuji and finally the two of them are starting to exchange diary awkwardly. One day Shuuji tries to escape from a sudden enemy air raid on Sapporo. While desperately escaping from the air raid Shuuji sees a scene that he could not forget for his life. He sees Chise with a huge...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, School Anime, Shounen Anime, Supernatural Anime
Saiki Kusuo has a wide array of superpowers at his command including telepathy and telekinesis. This might sound awesome but in Kusuos experience superpowers are not all theyre cracked up to be. He tries to live a normal life despite his annoying...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, School Anime, Shounen Anime, Supernatural Anime
Saiki Kusuo has a wide array of superpowers at his command including telepathy and telekinesis. This might sound awesome but in Kusuos experience superpowers are not all theyre cracked up to be. He tries to live a normal life despite his annoying...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Drama Anime, Ecchi Anime, Romance Anime, Shounen Anime, Supernatural Anime
In the romance comedy a girl named Mitsuki Kanzaki lives with her step-brother Yuya after her mother remarries. One day Mitsuki is possessed by the self-proclaimed spirit of a young girl Hiyori Kotobuki. Hiyori in Mitsukis body must fall in love with Yuya to move toward the Gates of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Comedy Anime, Demons Anime, Magic Anime, Romance Anime, School Anime, Shoujo Anime, Super Power Anime, Dub
Tsukino Usagi is a 14-year old girl in junior high. Shes ditzy whiny and a crybaby. She often flunks her tests and she is always scolded by her family. However after a bad day Usagi is surprised to encounter a black cat that can talk! The cat Luna grants Usagi the power to transform into Sailor Moon a fighter who is to save the world against the Dark Kingdom and its evil ruler Queen...
Country: Japan
Genre: Demons Anime, Dub Anime, Magic Anime, Romance Anime, Shoujo Anime
The season is divided into two arcs: One arc being an anime filler to give Takeuchi Naoko time to make the next manga and the other arc being the actual Black Moon plot. The first arc shows Usagi and Co. having their memories restored from the first season. Their enemies are a pair of aliens Ail and Ann who are seeking human energy to restore their life tree. Mamoru had yet to recover...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama Anime, Dub Anime, Magic Anime, Romance Anime, Shoujo Anime
This season makes a turning point in the Sailor Moon story. The Sailor Senshi are confronted by a new enemy the Death Busters. Rei had a premonition that this enemy would rule the world in an era called the Silence. To do this the Death Busters need to find the three Talismans that would summon the Holy Grail. However two mysterious Sailor Senshi Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune plan to...