Genre: Adventure | Drama
The film tells the story of the haunted house that led the expedition community to the legendary haunted house. The result was that it was only the scavengers who lived with their grandchildren and did not want to be disturbed by the deliberate intentions. Later through the association she recruited Lin Jie and invited her to participate in the expedition. Eventually everyone encountered an...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy
When basketball player and larger-than-life personality Lex Morrison ends another disappointing season PR executive Kirby is tasked with getting him back in shape and making sure Lex doesnt completely fall apart during the off...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi
An extra-smart dog and detective team up to stop a DNA enhanced...
Country: Canada
Genre: N/A
Is it possible that Ice Age people succeeded in crossing the frozen Atlantic Ocean to North America thousands of years before the Vikings and Columbus? Two archaeologists believe so after...