Country: Japan
Genre: Action
In the magical academic city of Ashram girls known as Pentagrams study general education magic and etiquette to become proper ladies. Hidden from the rest of the world the school is like a secret garden that is home to blossoming flowers. However bugs sensitive to magic may target and trample them; as one of their tasks the girls must exterminate these insects.The smileless Pentagram...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action
In the magical academic city of Ashram girls known as Pentagrams study general education magic and etiquette to become proper ladies. Hidden from the rest of the world the school is like a secret garden that is home to blossoming flowers. However bugs sensitive to magic may target and trample them; as one of their tasks the girls must exterminate these insects.The smileless Pentagram...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life
Life is not going well for 28-year-old Kyouya Hashiba. Having left his office job to pursue a career in the video game industry his internship at a popular game studio abruptly ends leaving him unemployed and forcing him to move back in with his parents. Additionally his jealousy toward the success of the Platinum Generation—a group of similarly-aged creators—has caused him to regret his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
Fuuta-kun has never owned a cat before but his younger sister Pii-chan moves into his house with the round gray cat Kyuruga. Inexperienced with cats Fuuta-kun has no idea what to expect and each night after he returns home is marked by odd and endearing surprises from his new...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary
A diverse cast of trailblazing women set out to answer the question: what exactly does it take to be a Gutsy...