Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Naoki Masaki Suda works as a not so popular host at the host club Akegarasu in Shinagawa Tokyo. His repayment day is coming soon and he has prepared 10 million yen to pay off his debt. Naoki has a party with his co-workers to celebrate this event but when he wakes up the next night he finds that his money is all gone. Naoki asks his co-workers at the club about his money but all of them...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
Taiki Kudou an upbeat seventh-grade boy who always helps people in need encounters a Digimon named Shoutmon who brings him and his friends to the Digital World. With his friends Akari Hinomoto and Zenjirou Tsurugi they form Team Xros Heart to compete against rival teams battling for supremacy with their ultimate goal of taking down the evil Bagura Empire who plans to conquer the Digital...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action ; Mystery
Tokumei Gakari Special Mission Task Team – is not considered as important as it might sound. It is positioned in the lowest section of the Metropolitan Police Department and so-called as the “oversized garbage dealer”. Ukyo Sugishita is the head of this Tokumei Gakari. Ukyo is very independent and with smart insights investigates on his own he solves a lot of crimes assigned to Criminal...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Tokumei Gakari Special Mission Task Team – is not considered as important as it might sound. It is positioned in the lowest section of the Metropolitan Police Department and so-called as the “oversized garbage dealer”. Ukyo Sugishita is the head of this Tokumei Gakari. As people rumor that anyone who worked under Ukyo eventually leaves the office he is called “the grave keeper of human...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action ; Mystery
Special Mission Task Team – is not considered as important as it might sound. It is positioned in the lowest section of the Metropolitan Police Department and so-called as the oversized garbage dealer. Sugishita Ukyo is a head of this Special Mission Task team. As people rumor that anyone who worked under Ukyo eventually leaves the office he is called the grave keeper of human resource....
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery ; Crime
Tokumei Gakari Special Mission Task Team – is not considered as important as it might sound. It is positioned in the lowest section of the Metropolitan Police Department and so-called as the “oversized garbage dealer”. Ukyo Sugishita is the head of this Tokumei Gakari. As people rumor that anyone who worked under Ukyo eventually leaves the office he is called “the grave keeper of human...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery ; Crime
I know some have asked whether I can provide subtitles for Season 10. The answer is I can only provide subs for Ep 18 and 19. However I have read that KIKU-TV in Hawaii is currently airing Season 10 of Partners with English Subs. If you or anyone you know has access to these episodes either aired on UTB or KIKU-TV any from 1 to 17 I would love a copy/tv-rip low quality mp4 is fine so that...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action ; Mystery ; Crime
The Special Mission Task Team is not considered as important as it might sound. Its positioned in the lowest section of the Metropolitan Police Department and headed by Ukyo Sugishita. Together with his partner Kaoru Kameyama this team is Japan’s version of The Odd Couple solving clueless cases in original and outrageous...