Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Mecha, Military, Psychological, Supernatural
The Gowa clan seeks to contact a force known only as Gasaraki. This is set amidst a backdrop of war where bipedal combat machines are being used for the first time. The combination of modern war with traditional Japanese values provides a great setting for the conflicts that arise and attempts to take robot animes in a new...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi, Space
It is the year After Colony 195 and war between the Space Colonies and Earth has begun. To give the colonies an edge they send 5 young soldiers trained to perfection to earth in the most powerful of Mobile Suits-Gundams. With their arrival the tide of the war changes as they battle against the Earth forces and the Colonies of their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen
When one space colony declared its independence from United Nations Earth the devastating 7th Space War an all-out war between Earth and space resulted. The UNE responded to the Space Revolutionary Army with mobile suits called Gundams. However the SRA forces played their trump card and dropped hundreds of space colonies onto the Earth plunging the planet into a seven-year-long nuclear...
Country: Japan
Genre: Game, Psychological, Seinen, Thriller
Itou Kaiji - an ordinary man living an ordinary life. All that changed when he was thrown into debt because of co-signing a contract for a friend. He rode the ship of hope Espoir to lift that debt. Kaiji was invited into the night of demons. Traps betrayal deceit. Gambles of insanity unfolded one after another. And after countless hardships he finally reached the king of the underworld....
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Military, Sci-Fi
“Henrietta” was an innocent little girl when her entire family was massacred and she was left for dead. She was rescued by a privately-owned social welfare organization and given cybernetic components over her battered body. Brainwashed by the organization she and four other girls now work as cold-blooded assassins doing the dirty work for the Italian...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Kids
The Gon series features the completely wordless adventures of the irascible title character a tiny fictional dinosaur as he interacts with the natural world. Gon somehow survived the extinction of his fellow dinosaurs and interacts with paleolithic...
Country: Japan
Genre: Magic
Since ancient times long past this world has been ruled by two tarot cards. Diablos Tarot—The tarot of the devil that feasts on the souls of living humans and uses that nourishment to bring countless pain and suffering. Elemental Tarot—The tarot that draws its energy from the power of nature in order to oppose the Diablos Tarot. Girls chosen from 22 different bloodlines become the wielders...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Space
The Universal Century with its history of colonization and wars passes into posterity and time flows on. Mankind enters a new age of seemingly endless peace and prosperity called the Regild Century. The year is R.C. 1014. The Capital Tower an orbital elevator connects earth and space. Due to its role in supplying Earths power by transferring Photon Batteries from space it is worshiped with...