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If you enjoy this movie, please consider sharing it with your friends. Thank you!
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Japanese
A story based on the super popular song series from NND. Eruna Ichinomiya a freshman who dreamed of a school life filled with cuteness entered a boarding school—Mikagura Private School. In this school each of the cultural club representatives have to battle each other with unique powers...!! What will happen to Eruna who somehow ended up becoming the representative of a certain...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Shounen, Slice of Life, Sports, Anime
Kyosuke Kano has lived under the shadow of his successful brother Seisuke all his life who is a professional soccer player. Tired of being compared and downgraded at he abandoned playing soccer until a boy from his new highschool discovered him and asked him to join their team. Kyosuke joins it and befriends two other first year players named Rodrigo and Sakai with the dream of becomming...